Barry Goldwater, Our Chief Inspiration Officer

Barry Goldwater, Our Chief Inspiration Officer
Moderation In The Pursuit Of Justice Is No Virtue; Extremism In The Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice

Monday, January 17, 2011

Safe Space for Conservative Students Required Following Harassment

'Safe spaces' exist at UBC to protect vulnerable groups. The women's center, for instance, located on the second floor of the SUB is a safe space for women. Only women can enter - a policy designed to promote peace of mind among entrants. (Their policy on crazy cat women is unknown). 

When I first learned about the concept of safe spaces, last Friday, I was admittedly skeptical. After all, I'm a man who loves and respects women. I could not understand why it is necessary that I be barred from a women's safe space in order for women, even vulnerable women, to feel comfortable. However, events that unfolded later that day would demonstrate to me the critical importance of safe spaces, and the need for at least one more safe space at UBC.

Shortly after my 'safe space' education, which was part of a tour I received of the Social Justice Center from radical lobbyist Omar Chabaan, I encountered a group of Social Justice Center members on the second floor of the SUB.

The members, who had been cold and unfriendly to me in Social Justice Center, had become even more agitated and aggressive since leaving. Then, unexpectedly, one Social Justice Center member (names will be withheld pending legal action) who is also a campaign leader for an AMS candidate unleashed an unrestrained torrent of verbal assault.

"You're an asshole", she screamed at me, in front of AMS Mardi Gras party-goers. "And I hate you." she continued, dripping with malice. Then, a friend of hers - another SJC member and a campaign manager for an AMS candidate - asked me to leave. ASKED ME TO LEAVE. A public space. After being verbally assaulted. For no reason (other than voicing my political views in a public space).

The incident was deeply disturbing. And I immediately recognized the need for safe spaces on campus. More specifically, I recognized the need for a safe space for conservative students.

As a tiny minority without political influence, conservatives at UBC are frequently subjected to harassment and assault that goes unreported. Even rigid enforcement of existing rules cannot provide an area for conservatives to feel truly comfortable.

The only fair solution is the creation of a UBC conservative student center, to be modeled after the UBC Women’s Center. Like the Women’s Center, which only allows women, the conservative safe space would limit access to those espousing conservative views.

Just as the Women’s center is open to all women, the conservative student center would be open to all conservatives. It would function as a safe space for those concerned with: fiscal responsibility, family values, the right to self defense, the struggle against terror and extremism, and the protection of democracy and western values domestically and abroad.   

When I discussed the proposition with friends and members of the UBC community, I received a universally positive response. Even those not affiliated with the conservative movement expressed their support for a safe space for a beleaguered minority. In fact, support from non-conservative groups was so robust it prompted me to support the creation of a second organization, this one to be modeled after Allies UBC. Allies is a group of men who support feminist causes. The Allies-based group would support conservatives’ right to pursue conservative causes, although it would be made up of members from a diverse cross section of the political spectrum.

One critical concern about the project that was brought to my attention was that of security. Leftists at UBC and elsewhere (the G8/G20 summit in Toronto, for instance) are well known for their use of violence and intimidation. Of course, a safe space is only safe in so far as it can assure the physical and emotional security of those within it. Therefore, my proposition for a conservative safe space includes a permanent RCMP sub-station which will deter leftist hate crimes and swiftly respond, if necessary, to criminal acts against conservative students.

A conservative safe space would make UBC a more welcoming place for conservatives, and in so doing, demonstrate UBC’s stalwart commitment to respect all minority groups.

I must add one detail. Omar Chabaan, a student lobbyist with whom I disagree about everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) did an honorable thing on Friday. During the episode of harassment, Omar attempted to de-escalate the situation and separate me from the hateful parties. Omar's actions must have been difficult because they put him at odds (however temporarily) with supporters of his causes. I commend his actions. (Though I still disagree with him on EVERYTHING).


  1. what do you expect when you live such a provocative bourgeois lifestyle?

  2. gay men are allowed into women center!
    isnt that interesting!
    I wonder if they would allow FTM/MTF trans people to enter their safe space!
