Barry Goldwater, Our Chief Inspiration Officer

Barry Goldwater, Our Chief Inspiration Officer
Moderation In The Pursuit Of Justice Is No Virtue; Extremism In The Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice

Friday, January 28, 2011

The "Sunk Cost" of Gazagate

The 'Sunk Cost' of Gazagate

Although I'm not satisfied with the inconclusive research that the Canadian Boat to Gaza has no objectionable ties, I can gaurentee that none of the $700 will make it to Hamas, in form of weapons and other illegal goods. Okay fine, I can't make that gaurentee personally. But our dear friends in the Israeli Navy can. 


So the idea to RAM the naval security perimeter around Israel sounds positively Roman. I reckon the SPHR has been watching some classic movies (a move I wholeheartedly support, see the post script).

Okay SPHR, I especially liked Ben Hur too, but remember when the ship he was paddling on (a historical inaccuracy, by the way, because Roman battle ships were not human powered) sank? Maybe the SPHR should have watched the rest of the movie. Not only would it have improved their nautical sensibilities, but they might have noticed that it was the Romans who first gave Judea (contemporary Israel) the name Palestine. The SPHR owes Rome a debt of gratitude. In appreciation, I think their president (who's in charge now, Chabaan?) should rock a roman outfit all the time. How bad ass would that be? Oh, and like a good Roman leader he should talk about himself in the third person. 

"Cesar demands $700 for his Imperial flotilla to his province of Judea... and some grapes... and some wine... and fan me faster, oh AMS, faster I say! - I mean uh, faster, says Cesar."

Of course, the real 'sunk cost' of the boat stunt donation isn't the $700 dollars that's never going to get near Gaza. It's the precedent set that Resource Centers (what an Orwellian name, huh?) can now spend their money on anything they want. And I mean anything. 

I'm not on the IAC Executive (full disclosure: in past years, I was). But I am proud of the work they did. The donation went through - yes. The legal structure of the AMS meant that the Student Council had little recourse. But by catapulting the issue into the public sphere - like Mexican drug smugglers recently tried to catapult marijuana into the United States (I can't get off this Roman thing, eh?) - the IAC demonstrated the absurdity of the Resource Groups, and ignited a wave of calls for fundamental Resource Group reform (oh hai referendum). 


Maybe they could do a joint SPHR/IAC movie night? How's about it, Omar/Rael? Surely Charlton Heston transcends political differences. Except when those political differences relate to guns... cause... you know.